Urban Homesteading
Heirloom Skills for Sustainable Living
What is urban homesteading?
Urban homesteading is a place-based initiative, a series of accessible & proactive responses to our complex global problems. Urban homesteading is one way to live closer to home, reanimate our relationship with nature & our evolving human culture, & practice a more adaptive way of living. Besides all that, it’s a fun & fulfilling way to live which cultivates depth & mutual aid in all our neighborhood relationships.
- Thinking about localizing your food sources?
- Committed to managing water, waste and energy better?
- Raising your children with positive, life-centered values?
- Wondering how to bring climate crisis solutions to your home place?
Concerned about escalating climate emergencies and looking to get more adaptive in your daily life?

Urban Homesteading:
Heirloom Skills for Sustainable Living
This book will answer these questions and provides an inspirational how-to and why-to for the urban homesteading movement.
Richly illustrated with drawings and photographs, and featuring interviews with homesteaders “on the ground”, Urban Homesteading will give you an introduction to urban permaculture, the power of creating a personal sustainability plan for yourself and your neighborhood, and detailed how-to descriptions on the basics of do-it-yourself ecological living in the city.
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About the Book
Urban Homesteading: Heirloom Skills for Sustainable Living rose out of the work we were doing in our backyards as urban farmers, and which we were witnessing in our neighborhoods. The book details a series of strategies which enhance our personal and collective resilience. Re-learning basic skills in gardening, water, waste and energy management, natural building, mutual aid, self- and community support, and the joyful commitment to a life of beauty and care is a powerful act. Especially as precarity becomes more the exception than the norm, growing it ourselves, together is one good way to live.

This book provides an inspirational how- and why-to for urban homesteaders. Covering topics from gardening and growing from seed to stem; food production and preservation; DIY medical care; animal friends on the homestead; working with water, energy, waste and natural building; as well as strategies for self-care and people-care, this book touches on every aspect of regenerative living in small or large urban spaces.
Written by Rachel Kaplan with K. Ruby Blume. Photos, maps and original artwork by K. Ruby Blume. Drawings by Marco Aidala
Urban Homesteading is especially useful for the way it details so many aspects of the process of going green in the city in a practical way — everything from home gardening to greening up your attitude to experimenting with composting toilets to slaughtering chickens to powering down — even if you’re in a small home or apartment. So, no excuses now! These pioneers have paved the way for the rest of us.
Linda Buzzell, Huffington Post